Transform your employee commute into a competitive advantage. T-Line Works partners with businesses to provide pre-tax bus passes, helping you attract top talent and reduce tardiness.
Our employer bus pass program addresses key business challenges:
● Cut employee turnover costs with an attractive transportation benefit
● Eliminate parking space limitations
● Reduce tardiness with our 94% on-time performance
● Lower your tax burden through transit benefit deductions
● Support sustainability initiatives that matter to employees
1. Your HR team sets up the program
2. Employees buy passes with pre-tax dollars
3. Your business gets tax benefits
4. We provide free training to help employees navigate routes
Choose how to structure your program:
● Offer pre-tax pass purchases
● Subsidize passes
● Customize the program to your workforce needs
Contact us at 903-794-8883 for a free consultation about implementing T-Line Works at your business.