Passenger Information

T-Line's passenger information is provided to outline essential safety protocols and conduct requirements for using Texarkana's public transit system.

Key guidelines cover fare payment, passenger behavior, prohibited items, and accessibility policies under Title VI and ADA regulations.

This information is provided to give guidance on safe, respectful transit use while protecting passengers' civil rights and equal access to transportation services.

Passenger Conduct

At the end of the day, your safety as a passenger is of the utmost importance. T-Line makes great efforts to keep their vehicles roadworthy and the risks minimal. Do your part to make sure that you—and your fellow passengers—stay safe.

  • When entering the bus, deposit the exact fare directly into the farebox. Operators are not allowed to handle fares and will not make change. Failure to pay correct fare will result in ejection from the bus.
  • Do not talk to or distract the operator while the bus is in motion.
  • Profanity, vulgar language, and disorderly conduct are not allowed. Belligerence toward fellow passengers and operators will not be tolerated.
  • Radios, tape decks, and CD players may be used only with earphones.
  • Passengers are not allowed to consume or distribute food or drink while inside a transit vehicle. Food may be transported in sealed containers.
  • Drinking of alcoholic beverages on the bus is prohibited.
  • Smoking in T-Line buses is prohibited.
  • Service animals may accompany passengers with disabilities. No other animals can be transported unless confined to a secured pet container.
  • Damaging, defacing, marking, cutting, scratching, or drawing on any fixture on the bus is prohibited.
  • Passengers may not place advertisements or religious/political material inside or outside the bus, nor can they solicit for money or the sale of goods on the bus.
  • All trash should be discarded in the trashcan near the door.
  • Allow others to exit before boarding.

Code of Ordinances

This comprehensive document outlines Texarkana's public transit regulations and prohibited behaviors on buses and at transit facilities. The ordinance covers essential safety rules, passenger conduct requirements, and restrictions on items like weapons, food, and commercial activities. All violations are classified as Class C misdemeanors, making this document crucial for residents and visitors using Texarkana's public transportation system.

Safety Precautions

Buses are considered one of the safest forms of transportation; however, passengers should take responsibility for their own safety. To ensure that risks remain minimal and the trip remains safe for everyone onboard, follow these safety recommendations.

  • For your safety, do not stand in the ramp area or in front of the yellow line by the farebox.
  • All passengers must be seated when the bus is in motion.
  • If you have to stand, please hold onto the handrails or seat backs.
  • For your safety, do not stand in the ramp area or in front of the yellow line by the farebox.
  • Keep the seats next to you clear of belongings so other passengers can sit.
  • If utilizing a battery-operated wheelchair, the driver will not be expected to assist you if the battery is dead.
  • Strollers, baby carriages, and portable shopping carts must be folded and stowed underneath the seat. It is mandatory that the aisles be kept clear for safety reasons.
  • The amount of groceries or bags carried on the bus will be limited to what the passenger can carry in one trip. The operator will not assist with groceries.
  • Please notify the operator of any belongings left behind by other passengers. Any unattended, suspicious looking boxes or packages should be reported immediately.
  • Weapons including firearms, knives, swords, and hazardous materials such as batteries and gasoline cans are prohibited.

Civil Rights and Title VI Protection

At T-LINE we do our very best to ensure that all passengers, regardless of race, color or national origin, obtain the same treatment and experience as everyone who comes aboard.

Passengers using federally funded public transportation are entitled to equal access, seating and treatment. Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (as amended) and related statutes, T-Line must ensure that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any federally funded program, activity or service it administers

Title 49 Transportation

Part 26


Civil RIghts Program

ADA Complaint

Complaint Procedures

ADA Complaint

Complaint Form